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Bush = Larry the Cable Guy

President Bush was taking questions from an audience the other day when he was asked about the immigration debate raging in Washington.

"It's obviously topic du jour ," he said.

The audience laughed at the famously Francophobic Texan's faux accent.

"Pretty fancy, huh?" Bush asked, mocking himself. "Topic du jour ?"

The audience laughed again.

"I don't want to ruin the image," he added conspiratorially.

As he takes to the road to salvage his presidency, Bush is letting down his guard and playing up his anti-intellectual, regular-guy image.

This will help him in the pols, cranking up the "Hyuck, hyuck -- I'm just a dumb-ass, just like you!" image.

Sorta related: Read David Cross' Open Letter to Larry the Cable Guy.


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