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Bat Guano.

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Hmm... $300 Million in Tax Dollars for Pop-Up Ads

Here we look into a great new plan to use $300 million to research "cutting-edge" ways to make Iraqis and the rest of the Arab world love the US and our military. How? "... SYColeman Inc. of Arlington, Lincoln Group of the District, and Science Applications International Corp. will help develop ideas and prototypes for radio and television spots, documentaries, or even text messages, pop-up ads on the Internet, podcasting, billboards or novelty items."

Well, that'd be enough to piss you off, especially when you realize that most Iraqis just can't get decent internet service to download podcasts to their iPods. But something smells funny, here, more funny than that funny smell at the top. Like, what's up with this Lincoln Group, with it's connections to the 2004 Bush/Cheney campaign?


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