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I'm just thinking about how many who stumble on this page probably think I hate Republicans. I don't, really. But I miss the day when I could say that I don't agree with this or that Republican point of view, instead of saying WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE FREAKS!?!?

The GOP really is becoming an extremist party. Radicals either are in power, are trying to control the powerful, or are trying their best to gain control. They're looking to fundamentally change this country, not turn back the clock, but change it into something it's never been before. The gay conservative quoted in that link above is acting sort of like the canary in the coalmine, starting to choke on the noxious fumes that the rest of us just think of as a funny smell in the air.

We non-Republicans probably have little to fear, since this may all correct itself in November 2006. It could be the Republicans who are going to lose out, when they split in two - regular and Theocratic flavored. But hang on, it could get ugly.


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